30 March 2013

Pom Pom

The perfect Easter decoration......

So yesterday I featured some crafty-ness that I had been up to the last week and one of those things was the tissue paper Pom poms. I first saw these on Pinterest and like everything that I live on Pinterest pinned it.....but then i almost forgot about it.....until I was asked if I could make use of some tissue paper that someone didn't want. I instantly remembered these.

They are fairly easy to make.....you just can't be heavy handed otherwise you end up with a ball of shredded tissue paper......not so pretty.

This is the link from the pin i pinned.......but I'm sure if you search you could also find others. Have a go and decorate you home for Easter.

1 comment:

  1. omgosh these are so so cute! I'm definitely going to try these out because they are so sweet!

    hope you'll visit back!
